Can I use Pusher Channel Authentication with Web Framework CSRF Protection?
The Pusher JavaScript client library makes an authentication AJAX request when subscribing to a Private or Presence channel. This AJAX request is done in the form of a POST request.
By default a POST request from JavaScript is intercepted and forbidden with a 403 response with many web frameworks such as Ruby on Rails and Laravel as it will be seen as a Cross-site Request forgery attempt.
The solution depends on the client library that you are using:
Parameters to be sent along with the authentication request can be set in the Pusher constructor options parameter.
An alternative is to use jsonp authentication, as this is made using a GET request so shouldn't be treated as CSRF attempt. See
The documentation for setting HTTP headers for libPusher can be found here:
The documentation for setting HTTP headers for pusher-websocket-java can be found here:
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