Set up an AI Agent

Set up your AI agent.

Once you've installed the OpenAI integration and built your knowledge base, you're ready to configure your AI agent.

What you'll need

  • A complete Knowledge Base

  • An installed Shopify integration (if you want to recommend products)

  • An installed OpenAI integration

Step one: Create and setup a new AI Agent

For this example, we're going to show you how to build a custom personality, but you can also choose to use one of our pre-made personalities.

  1. Click your name in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen.

  2. Go to Settings > AI > Actions.

  3. Select AI Agents.

  4. Click Create new LLM Chatbot.

At this stage, you can choose to use one of our pre-made bot templates, or design a custom personality.

For this example, we're going to show you how to build a custom personality, so select Custom personality, then click Get started.

  1. Click the chatbot name in the top left-hand corner of your screen, then give your chatbot a new name.

  2. Under 'Connector', select an installed OpenAI integration from the drop-down.

Step two: Configure your agent


You need to tell the AI Agent's what you expect it to do by defining its purpose, a high-level description of the AI Agent's responsibilities.

Example purpose
  • You are a support bot for Dream Cosmetics, a leading brand in the beauty and skincare industry.

  • Your primary purpose as the Dream Cosmetics Customer Support Agent Chatbot is to provide efficient and personalized assistance to customers, addressing common queries, recommending products, and guiding them through various processes related to their beauty and skincare needs.

  • Your objective is to enhance the overall customer experience by offering quick and accurate information, promoting self-service, and facilitating a seamless transition to human support when needed.


Tasks are the specific things that you want your AI Agent to do for your customers when they interact with it.

Example tasks
  • Product recommendations: Provide personalized product suggestions based on customer preferences and skin/hair type.

  • Query resolution: Address user queries related to Dream Cosmetics products, orders, and general information.

  • Troubleshooting: Offer step-by-step guidance for common issues such as order tracking and payment errors.

  • Human agent handover: Recognize scenarios requiring human expertise and seamlessly hand over to a human support agent.

  • Order and shipping information: Provide information about order status, shipping options, and delivery times.

  • Returns and exchanges: Guide customers through the returns and exchanges process.


By defining your audience, you give your AI Agent better context about who it will be talking to, what they'll be looking to achieve, and how the AI Agent should interact with them.

Example audience
  • Your audience consists of Dream Cosmetics customers, including skincare enthusiasts, makeup users, and individuals looking for haircare solutions.

  • You must be able to address each persona, from beauty novices to experienced users. You must tailor your language to cater to a diverse audience, including both beginners and experienced beauty users.


AI Agents can adapt their personality to your brand and to your brand's audience. When defining a personality, think about how the AI Agent should speak and interact with your customers.

Example personality
  • Your personality must embody Dream Cosmetics' values of elegance, warmth, and inclusivity.

  • You must communicate in a friendly, supportive, and knowledgeable manner, making users feel valued and understood.

  • You must use a tone that is approachable and professional, ensuring your responses are empathetic and patient. Your language must be positive and encouraging, promoting confidence and beauty in every interaction.


Guardrails prevent your AI Agent from behaving in a way that you wouldn't want a real agent to behave. Use them to define what your AI Agent shouldn't do or discuss.

Example guardrails
  • You are restricted from accessing specific account details or order information in real-time.

  • You must not provide information on the latest product releases or changes beyond a certain timeframe.

  • Under no circumstances can you provide personalized medical or dermatological advice.

  • You are restricted from processing or handling payment transactions directly.

  • You must not engage in discussions unrelated to Dream Cosmetics products and services.


If your AI Agent will be set up to hand over to a human agent, you can explain the circumstances in which it should handover, and some example phrases it can use when doing so.

Example handovers
  • Complex product issue: You encounter a product issue beyond your capabilities.

    • Explanation: "I'm sorry, but this seems to involve a product issue beyond my capabilities. Would you like me to connect you with a human agent for personalized assistance?"

  • Specific order inquiry: User requests specific order details not within your access.

    • Explanation: "I don't have access to specific order details. Shall I connect you with a human agent who can provide more detailed assistance?"

  • Medical or dermatological advice: The user's query requires medical or dermatological advice.

    • Explanation: "This question requires medical or dermatological advice that I'm not able to provide. I recommend transferring you to our human support team for more tailored assistance. Would you like me to do that?"

  • Unresolved complex query: The user's query or issue exceeds your predefined capabilities.

    • Explanation: "This goes beyond what I'm designed to handle. I recommend transferring you to our human support team for a more tailored solution. Would you like me to do that?"

  • Account or payment issues: The user has an account or payment issue that requires human intervention.

    • Explanation: "It looks like this issue involves account or payment details that I can't access. Let me connect you with a human agent who can assist you further."

Custom instructions

Custom instructions can be used to add any additional information not included in the previous setup steps, or to emphasize key points about the AI Agent's personality and responsibilities.

Advanced configurations

Advanced configurations and how to use them
  • Select the model: Choose the AI model your chatbot will use. The default model is GPT-3.5 Turbo, known for its speed and efficiency. You can select this model to ensure your chatbot performs optimally in handling customer queries and providing recommendations.

  • Timezone (optional): Specify the default timezone of your chatbot. Set the default timezone for your chatbot to align with your business operations or customer base. For example, you might set it to UTC to coordinate with international customers or to your local timezone for more precise interactions.

  • Allow agent handover: Enable the chatbot to hand over sessions to a human agent. When this option is enabled, your chatbot can recognize scenarios that require human intervention and end the session with instructions for transferring the customer to a human agent. This ensures that complex or sensitive issues are handled appropriately.

  • Allow context compression: Enable context compression to optimize token usage. When enabled, your chatbot will compress the context of the session to make better use of the token limit. This helps maintain the quality of interactions during longer conversations by summarizing previous exchanges while retaining essential information.

  • Allow image support: Enable context compression to optimize token usage. When enabled, your chatbot will compress the context of the session to make better use of the token limit. This helps maintain the quality of interactions during longer conversations by summarizing previous exchanges while retaining essential information.

  • Allow wait messages: Enable image support if the selected model supports it. When this option is enabled, your chatbot can process and respond to image inputs, provided the selected model has this capability. This is useful for scenarios where customers might share images of products, receipts, or issues for more accurate assistance.

Conversation configuration

Conversation configurations and how to use them
  • Default inactivity timeout: Set the default inactivity timeout. Specify the time duration before the chatbot ends the conversation due to inactivity. For example, setting it to PT3H means the chatbot will wait for 3 hours of inactivity before closing the conversation. This helps ensure that inactive sessions are appropriately managed without abrupt endings for users.

  • Email inactivity timeout (optional): Set the inactivity timeout for email channels. Specify the time duration before the chatbot ends the conversation due to inactivity specifically for the email channel. This can be different from the default chat inactivity timeout, tailored to the typically longer response times associated with email communication.

  • Email username (optional): Specify the email username for outgoing emails. Set the username that the AI agent should use when sending emails. This is the part before the in the email address that will appear in the 'from' field of the email. For example, if you set the username to support, emails will come from

  • Email from (optional): Specify the display name for outgoing emails. Set the display name that the AI agent should use when sending emails. This is the name that will appear in the 'from' field of the email, making it clear to recipients who the email is from. For instance, you might set this to Dream Cosmetics Support to ensure brand consistency and professionalism in communications.

Step three: Connect your Knowledge Base

  1. Scroll back up to the top of the Settings tab and click Knowledge.

  2. Click the Knowledge Base dropdown arrow.

  3. In the 'Description' field, enter a sentence explaining what information you're connecting.

  4. Under 'Folders', check the box next to the knowledge base that you want to connect to your AI Agent.

You can manage the Knowledge Base information that the AI Agent can access by clicking the dropdown arrow next to the selected Knowledge Base and unchecking the boxes next to any folders you do not want it to use.

Step four: Integrate your Shopify store

  1. Scroll back up to the top of the Knowledge tab and click Tasks.

  2. Click Add new task.

  3. From the 'Ecommerce' section, select Recommend products.

  4. The 'Name', 'Usage Context', and 'Page size' are already completed for you, but you can edit them as required.

  5. Click Save task.

Step five: Test your AI Agent

Now that you've configured your AI Agent, it's time to test it out.

  1. Click Save on the top right-hand side of your screen.

  2. In the panel on the right-hand side, use the open text field to start messaging your AI Agent. It will respond to you, using the information in the connected Knowledge Base and the instructions you gave when you configured the settings.

Testing tips

  • Ask your AI Agent questions that you think a customer might ask, and check to see if the answers are correct.

  • Try and get your AI Agent to perform a task outside its guardrails. If it has been set up correctly, it should refuse to perform those tasks.

  • If you have asked the AI Agent to handover to a human agent in specific circumstances, test to see if it handles those interactions correctly.

Once you're happy with how your AI Agent is behaving, you can set it live with your customers.

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