Reporting metrics

In this article, you'll learn about the metrics you'll find across Bird.

General metrics

Metric nameDefinition

Total recipients

The total number of contacts targeted by a campaign.

Unique recipients

The number of unique contacts to which at least one message was sent or at least one journey was triggered.

Journey metrics

Metric nameDefinition

Total runs triggered

The number of times a journey is triggered.

Total runs completed

The number of times a journey is triggered and completed successfully.

Unique recipients entered

The number of unique contacts that a journey has been triggered for.

Unique recipients completed

The number of unique contacts that a journey has been triggered and completed for.

WhatsApp metrics

Metric nameDefinition


Number of WhatsApp messages that were sent successfully from Bird to WhatsApp

Sending failed

Number of WhatsApp messages that failed to be sent successfully from Bird to WhatsApp


Number of WhatsApp messages that were delivered by WhatsApp to the WhatsApp app of the recipient. This is a double tick delivery.

Delivery failed

Number of WhatsApp messages that failed to be successfully delivered by WhatsApp.


Number of unique recipients who read the WhatsApp message sent from the campaign. This is a blue tick read receipt. The read metric is captured only for users who have Read Receipt turned ON in their WhatsApp settings.

Reply clicks

Number of unique recipients who clicked on any quick reply button added to the WhatsApp message template.

Queued or rejected

Number of WhatsApp messages which are neither delivered nor failed by WhatsApp. These are either waiting for delivery on WhatsApp due to unavailability of WhatsApp users to receive messages. These messages may or may not get delivered within 30 days of sending based on the recipient's availability. This includes scenarios where WhatsApp users don’t have internet availability, blocked your business account or others.

Delivery rate

  • Delivered / Sent %

  • Percentage of WhatsApp messages which are failed delivery by WhatsApp out of Sent messages

Failure rate

  • Delivery Failed / Sent %

  • Percentage of WhatsApp messages which are failed delivery by WhatsApp out of Sent messages

Read rate

  • Reads / Delivered %

  • Percentage of unique recipients who read the WhatsApp message out of who got the message delivered.

Reply click rate

  • Reply Clicks / Delivered %

  • Percentage of unique recipients who clicked on any quick reply button on the WhatsApp message out of who got the message delivered.

Email metrics

Metric nameDefinition

Total recipients

Number of total contacts to which a campaign is targeted

Unique recipients

Number of unique contacts to which at least one message was sent or a journey triggered


Number of emails which were attempted to be delivered.


Number of emails which were rejected by Bird due to policy or technical reasons.

Admin bounces

Number of emails that were bounced by Bird. Not counted in Bounces.


Number of emails which were successfully delivered to the recipient’s mailbox provider.


Number of emails delivered which didn’t subsequently bounce.


Number of emails which were temporarily rejected by the recipient’s mailbox provider.


Number of unique recipients who opened the email. These emails were displayed or had a link clicked. Opens do not include prefetch opens.


Number of unique recipients who have clicked at least one link in the email.

Spam complaints

Number of unique recipients who marked the email as spam


Number of unique recipients who either submitted the unsubscribe page or clicked the list unsubscribe link in the header.


Number of bounced emails. Total of In-Band and Out-of-Band Bounces. Bounces do not include Admin Bounces.

In-band bounces

Number of emails that bounced on delivery attempts. Total of Hard Bounces and Temporary Bounces.

Hard bounces

Number of emails that bounced due to permanent delivery issues.

Temporary bounces

Number of emails that bounced due to temporary delivery issues. Filtering rules or unknown reasons. Total of Soft Bounces, Block Bounces and Undetermined Bounces.

Soft bounces

Number of emails that bounced due to temporary delivery issues.

Block bounces

Number of emails that bounced due to a mailbox provider's filtering rules.

Undetermined bounces

Number of emails that bounced due to undetermined reasons.

Out-of-band bounced

Number of emails that bounced subsequent to a successful delivery.

Rejection rate

  • Rejected / Total Recipients %

  • Percentage of emails which are rejected out of targeted emails

Admin bounce rate

  • Admin Bounces / Total Recipients %

  • Percentage of emails which admin bounced out of targeted emails

Delivery rate

  • Delivered / Sent %

  • Percentage of emails which are delivered out of Sent.

Accepted rate

  • Accepted / Sent %

  • Percentage of emails which are accepted out of Sent.

Delayed rate

  • Delayed / Accepted %

  • Percentage of emails which are delayed out of accepted emails.

Open rate

  • Open / Delivered %

  • Percentage of unique recipients who opened the emails out of who got the email delivered.

Click-through rate

  • Clicks / Delivered %

  • Percentage of unique recipients who clicked at least one link in the email out of who got the email delivered.

Spam complaint rate

  • Spam complaints / Delivered %

  • Percentage of unique recipients who marked the email as spam out of who got the email delivered.

Unsubscribe rate

  • Unsusbcribes / Delivered %

  • Percentage of unique recipients who unsubscribed out of who got the email delivered.

Bounce rate

  • Bounces / Sent %

  • Percentage of emails which had in-band bounce out of sent emails.

In-band bounce rate

  • In-band Bounces / Sent %

  • Percentage of emails which in-band bounced out of sent emails.

Hard bounce rate

  • Hard Bounces / Sent %

  • Percentage of emails which hard bounced out of sent emails.

Temporary bounce rate

  • Temporary Bounces / Sent %

  • Percentage of emails which temporarily bounced out of sent emails.

Soft bounce rate

  • Soft Bounces / Sent %

  • Percentage of emails which soft bounced out of sent emails.

Block bounce rate

  • Block Bounces / Sent %

  • Percentage of emails which block bounced out of sent emails.

Undetermined bounce rate

  • Undetermined Bounces / Sent %

  • Percentage of emails which bounced due to undetermined reasons out of sent emails.

Out-of-band bounce rate

  • Out-of-band Bounces / Sent %

  • Percentage of emails which had out of band bounce out of sent emails.

SMS metrics


Total recipients

Number of total contacts to which a campaign is targeted

Unique recipients

Number of unique contacts to which at least one message was sent or a journey triggered


Number of SMS messages from the campaign that were sent successfully from Bird to carriers.

Sending failed

Number of SMS messages from the campaign that failed to be sent successfully from Bird to carriers.


Number of SMS messages from the campaign that were delivered to the recipient’s messaging app by the carriers.

Delivery failed

Number of SMS messages from the campaign that failed to be successfully delivered by carriers.

Delivery rate

  • Delivered / Sent %

  • Percentage of SMS messages which are delivered out of Sent messages

Failure rate

  • Delivery Failed / Sent %

  • Percentage of SMS messages which are failed delivery by carriers out of Sent messages

Last updated

#490: Add Entra ID SCIM settings

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