Contact actions

Contact actions enable you to create, retrieve, update, and delete contact information from Contacts.

You can use these actions to manage your contact data, group your contacts, and create custom attributes to store additional information about your contacts.

Add contacts to group

This action adds one or more contacts to a specific group in the system.

You can use this action to add contacts to a group after they have completed a specific action, such as making a purchase on your website.

Create Attribute Definition

This action creates a new attribute definition in the schema. An attribute is a piece of data that can be associated with a contact or group, such as their favorite color, total purchase value, or birthday.

You can use this action to create a new attribute definition to store a customer's loyalty level.

Create Contact

This action creates a new contact in the system. There must be a contact identifier for this to happen.

You can use this action to add a new contact to the system when they sign up for your service or make a purchase.

Create Contact Identifier

This action creates a unique identifier for a contact.

You can use this identifier to reference the contact in other actions, such as updating their information or removing them from a group.

Create Group

This action creates a new group in contacts.

You can use this action to create a new group to store contacts with specific attributes, such as customers who have made a purchase in the last 30 days.

Create or Update Contact by Identifier

This action creates or updates a contact in the system using a unique identifier.

You can use this action to update a contact's information when you have their identifier.

Delete Contact

This action deletes a contact from the system.

You can use this action to remove a contact from the system when they request to be deleted or if they are no longer a customer.

Delete Contact Identifier

This action deletes a unique identifier for a contact.

You can use this action to remove a contact identifier if it is no longer needed or is outdated.

Delete Group

This action deletes a group from the system.

You can use this action to remove a group from the system when it is no longer needed.

Get Attribute Definitions

This action retrieves an attribute definition from the schema by key.

You can use this action to retrieve information about an attribute definition, such as its name, data type, and description.

Get Contact

This action retrieves information a contact from the system.

You can use this action to retrieve information about a specific contact, such as their name, email address, and purchase history.

Get Contact by Identifier

This action retrieves information about a contact using a unique identifier.

You can use this action to retrieve information about a specific contact, even if you do not know their email address or other contact information.

Get Group

This action retrieves information about a group from the system.

You can use this action to retrieve information about a specific group, such as the number of contacts in the group.

List Attribute Definitions

This action retrieves a list of all attribute definitions in the schema.

You can use this action to view all of the attribute definitions in the system, including their names, data types, and descriptions.

List Contact Group

This action retrieves a list of all groups that a contact is a member of.

You can use this action to view which groups a specific contact belongs to.

List Contact Identifiers

This action retrieves a list of all unique identifiers for a specific contact.

You can use this action to view all of the identifiers associated with a specific contact.

List Group Contacts

This action retrieves a list of all contacts in a specific group.

You can use this action to view all of the contacts in a specific group, including their names, email addresses, and other attributes.

List Groups

This action retrieves a list of all groups in the system.

You can use this action to view all of the groups in the system, including their names, descriptions, and the number of contacts in each

Last updated

#490: Add Entra ID SCIM settings

Change request updated