Conversation actions | API
These Conversation API actions enable you to create and manage conversations in a workspace.
With these actions, you can create new conversations, delete existing ones, add and remove participants, retrieve conversation messages, and more.
Create conversation
This action creates a new conversation for a workspace.
Use this action to initiate a new conversation with a customer.
Delete conversation
This action deletes a conversation.
Use this action to permanently remove a conversation from your workspace.
Delete conversation participant
This action removes a participant from the conversation.
Use this action to remove a user from a conversation.
Ensure the conversation has a specific participant
This action adds a participant to the conversation.
Use this action to ensure that a specific user is participating in a conversation.
Get a message
This action retrieves a single message from a conversation.
Use this action to retrieve specific messages from a conversation.
Get conversation
This action retrieves a single conversation.
Use this action to retrieve a specific conversation and its details.
Get conversation participant
This action retrieves a single conversation participant.
Use this action to retrieve details about a specific participant in a conversation.
List conversation messages
This action retrieves a list of messages in a conversation.
Use this action to display all messages in a conversation.
List conversation participants
This action retrieves a list of participants in a conversation.
Use this action to display a list of users participating in a conversation.
List conversations
This action retrieves a list of conversations for a workspace.
Use this action to display a list of all conversations in your workspace.
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