Create a time picker Apple Messages template

Time picker message templates offer a streamlined way for customers to select from available time slots for appointments, meetings, or other time-sensitive engagements directly within Apple Business Messages.

Message components

Message received

This initial message is what your customers will first see. It sets the context for the selection they are about to make.

  • Image: You can include an image by uploading a file or providing a URL. This should be visually appealing and related to the appointment or meeting.

  • Title: This serves as your main call to action, e.g., "Choose a Time Slot".

  • Subtitle: Offers additional details or instructions to guide the customer in making their selection.

  • Style: Choose from 'Icon', 'Small', 'Large' styles to best present your message.


The 'Location' section is where you'll add the location of the event that your customers are booking.

You'll need to add the following content:

  • Latitude and longitude: Coordinates of the location.

  • Address: The street address of the location.

  • Label: A name for the location, such as 'Amsterdam flagship store'.

Time slots

The 'Time slots' section is where you'll add the time slot options that you want your customers to choose from.

You have two options for setting up time slots: Static and Dynamic.

  • Static Time Slots: Predefined slots you set up in advance. While easy to create, they lack flexibility if a time slot becomes unavailable or if you're looking to gather feedback on preferred times.

  • Dynamic Time Slots: Offer flexibility by allowing you to define slots at the time of sending the message. This is achieved by creating a variable designated as a "Timeslot list".

Message replied

'Message replied' is the message that is shown to a recipient when they make a selection from the list of timeslots you've provided.

You'll need to provide the following content to populate the message:

  • This message appears to recipients after they've made a selection, confirming their action.

    • Image: Upload or provide a URL for an image related to the completed action.

    • Title: For example, "Timeslot selected ". Variables can be used here for customization.

    • Subtitle: Additional supporting text for the title. This can also include variables.

    • Style: Options include 'Icon', 'Small', 'Large'. The 'Icon' style is recommended for reply messages.

How to make a Time Picker message template

  1. Go to Content > Message templates.

  2. Click Create new message project.

  3. Under 'Platform', select Apple Messages.

  4. Select Time picker as the 'Message type'.

  5. Message Received Block:

    • Optionally include an image to complement your message.

    • Enter the Title and Subtitle.

    • Select a Style that suits your message.

  6. Location Block:

    • Provide Latitude, Longitude, Address, and Label for the meeting/appointment location.

  7. Time Slots:

    • For Static Slots, directly add the list of available time slots. Remember, these should be future times.

    • For Dynamic Slots, first create a new variable under settings as a "Timeslot list". Then, in the time slots block, specify this variable in the parameter key.

  8. Message Replied Block:

    • This is the confirmation message showing the chosen time slot and location. Follow similar steps as in the Message Received block for image, title, subtitle, and style.

  9. Once your template is finalized, click Publish to make it available for use.

This setup allows for a flexible appointment booking process within Apple Business Messages, accommodating both fixed schedule scenarios and more dynamic, variable appointments based on real-time availability.

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