
You can measure the performance of your teams and agents in Inbox by looking at Inbox reports.

To find Inbox reports, go to Customer Service and click Reports in the sidebar.

Historical data tab

Examine ticket lifecycle trends over time with the Historical data tab. Filter historical data by time range and by team.

Data in the historical data tab includes:

  • Volume trends: Number of tickets.

  • New: Number of new tickets that were created within the selected time frame.

  • Open: Number of tickets that were open and pending resolution during the selected time frame.

  • Snoozed: Number of tickets that were temporarily snoozed during the selected time frame.

  • Closed: Number of tickets that were resolved and closed during the selected time frame.

  • Reopened: Number of tickets that were closed but later reopened during the selected time frame.

Overall performance tab

Examine general performance trends over time with the Overall performance tab. Filter overall performance data by time range and by team.

  • Average first reply time: The average time taken to send the first response to a new ticket.

  • Average reply time: The average time taken to respond to a ticket.

  • Average first resolution time: The average time taken to resolve a ticket from the time it was opened.

  • Resolution rate: The percentage of tickets that were resolved out of the total number of tickets received.

Team performance tab

Examine performance at team level with the Team performance tab.

  • New: Number of new tickets received by each team.

  • Opened: Number of tickets currently open for each team.

  • Snoozed: Number of tickets snoozed by each team.

  • Closed: Number of tickets closed by each team.

  • Reopened: Number of tickets reopened for each team.

  • Average first reply time: The average time for the first response by each team.

  • Average reply time: The average time for each team to respond to a ticket.

  • Average resolution time: The average time for each team to resolve tickets.

  • First contact resolution rate: Percentage of tickets resolved on the first contact.

Agent performance tab

Examine performance at agent level with the Agent performance tab.

  • New: Number of new tickets handled by each agent.

  • Open: Number of tickets currently open for each agent.

  • Snoozed: Number of tickets snoozed by each agent.

  • Closed: Number of tickets closed by each agent.

  • Reopened: Number of tickets reopened for each agent.

  • Average first reply time: The average time for the first response by each agent.

  • Average reply time: The average time for each agent to respond to a ticket.

  • Average resolution time: The average time for each agent to resolve tickets.

  • First contact resolution rate: Percentage of tickets resolved by each agent on the first contact.

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#490: Add Entra ID SCIM settings

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