Channel actions | API

Channel actions are a set of actions that allow you to interact with the channels in your workspace.

These actions allow you to retrieve messages and channels, as well as their properties, and perform operations like getting message differentials or getting a list of messages from a channel.

Get channel

This action allows you to retrieve a specific workspace channel. U

se this action to get details about a specific channel, such as its name, type, and ID.

Get channel message

This action retrieves a specific message from a channel.

Use this action to get the content of a specific message, including its sender, timestamp, and any attached media.

Get message differentials

This action retrieves the differences between two versions of a channel message.

Use this action to compare the differences in content or metadata between two versions of a message.

Get messages from a channel

This action retrieves a list of messages from a channel.

Use this action to get all messages from a specific channel.

Get workspace channels

This action retrieves the channels configured for a workspace.

Use this action to get a list of all channels in a workspace, including their names, types, and IDs.

Last updated

#490: Add Entra ID SCIM settings

Change request updated