Get started with Toky
After creating your account in Toky you can do the following basic steps to start making and receiving calls with our platform. You can also visit our page Getting Started with Toky to get a full guide on how to use Toky for calls, SMS and more.
Install our apps
Set your browser to use your headset or speakers and microphone
Request your virtual phone number
Make your first call from the Toky Dashboard or any app
Create your team adding new agents
Set up your IVR
Set up the office hours of your company
Buy some credit to continue making calls
Enable the integration with your CRM or tool
Install our Click to call widget in your website
TIP: You can find the meaning of each call status in Toky in this article.
PreviousFind the phone number of a customer who called my businessNextGet the Call ID link to report a call to customer support
Last updated