How to integrate Toky with Okta
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Following these steps, you can connect Toky and Okta to provide your team an easy and secure way to start their session in Toky using Okta’s secure single sign on
NOTE: You must be an admin in the Okta account.
Login to Okta and go to Applications > Applications, and click on “Add Application”
Click on Create New App, select Web as platform, and OpenID Connect as Sign in method. Click on Create
Type Toky as Application name, upload the Toky Logo as Application logo, and in the section Configure openID connect, enter the following URL in the Login redirect URIs field:
You can download the following Toky logo to use it in your Okta App.
Click on Save
Cick on Edit on the Toky app recently created
In the APPLICATION section, mark the options Allowed grant types, Implicit (Hybrid). By default the option Allow ID Token with implicit grant type will appear as selected.
In the LOGIN section, modify the link previously saved in the Login redirect URIs, and replace the clientID in the link (, with the value you can find in Client Credentials > Client ID.
In the field Login initiated by select Either Okta or App, and the Application visibility will appear**.** Select Display application icon to users.
In the field Initiate login URI copy the URL you enter in Login redirect URIs and remove the “/callback” text.
Click on Save.
NOTE: You must be an admin in your Toky account
Login to your Toky account and go to Integrations > Okta and follow the instructions to fill in all the required fields.
To get the Issuer URI you must go to Okta and then, go to Security > API. You will find a list of Authorization Servers, copy the Issuer URI from the server you want to use.
Get the Client ID and the Client Secret in Aplications > Aplications. Select the app we created in the first steps and go to the General tab, and you will find the Client ID in the Client Credentials section. Copy the value and paste it into the corresponding field in the Toky integrations tab.
Important: These values are used by Toky to start the Authorization Code Flow with Okta from the server-side.
Enable the integration to start using the single sign-on with Okta.
Click on Save Changes
You must assign users to the Toky app so they can see it in their home screen in Okta and use it to log in to Toky.
Go to your Okta account, and then to Applications > Applications. Select the Toky app and go to the Assignments tab.
Click on Assign > Assign to People (or group if you already have one defined), find the users you want to use Toky, and assign them to the app.
The assigned users will receive a notification and they will see Toky in their apps.
Once you finish configuring the integration, you can now login to Okta, go to the My Apps section, and click on Toky app.