Compliance Keywords Messages

SMS Compliance keywords messages endpoints allow you to manage answers that are sent to compliance keywords (as STOP for unsubscription )

Compliance Keyword messages are only available for SMS

Types of KeyWords (KW field)

In order to set customized compliance keyword messages you will need to associate them with a type of keyword ( kw ) . Several types exist

type: string
  - "optin"
  - "optout"
  - "help"


Categories all keywords that indicate a subscriber's intention to subscribe or resubscribe to a service (ex START)


Categories all keywords that indicate a subscriber's intention to unsubscribe from a service (ex STOP)


Categories all keywords intended to provide simplified instructions to subscribers (ex HELP) .

Good practices require structuring HELP messages as follows

brand_name , support_contact (both URL or TFN or email ) followed by common_keywords . For example:

Bird CRM: you can contact us at, send START to subscribe, STOP to unsbscribe. Msg & data charges may applies


Compliance Keywords Messages are always associated with the language; so for example. optin:en Identify all keywords in English ( en ) that are used to identify a contact opting in to receive communications from a brand

When the filed lang Is required, please specify a language using ISO639-1 language codes

Default Keywords

Bird CRM system always listens for predetermined keywords categorized by type and language as below. Via the Compliance Keywords Messages endpoint you can customize the acknowledgment message each category will trigger.



  • help

  • info


  • stop

  • stopall

  • end

  • quit

  • cancel

  • unsubscribe


  • start

  • begin

  • resume

  • revert

  • unstop

Other languages


  • aide (french)

  • hulp (dutch)

  • hilfe (german)

  • ayuda (spanish)

  • ajuda (portuguese)

  • Aiuto (italian)

  • ПОМОЩЬ (russian)

  • POMOCY (polish)


  • arret (french)

  • halt (german)

  • detener (spanish)

  • parar (pourtugese)

  • ferma (italian)

  • ОСТАНОВИТЬ (russian)

  • ZATRZYMAJ (polish)


  • nonarret (french)


List all messages

This endpoint will return all the costume messages you have set in the target workspace

	"results": [
			"key": "optout:en",
			"kw": "optout",
			"lang": "en",
			"value": "We are sorry to see you go, please send OOPS if that was a mistake"

Define a message for a given keyword

    "kw":    "optout",
    "lang":  "en",
    "value": "We are sorry to see you go, please send OOPS if that was a mistake",

You can only define a message for a type of keyword and language (keywordMessageKey ). You cannot have multiple messages for the same combination of type and language

If you want to revert to the default message, use the below methods with an empty value "value": ""

Check a Singel Compliance Keyword Message

keywordMessageKey indicates the keyword type and languages, for example for the example above it would be optout:en

Last updated

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