Notification Interactions

A user can interact with a notification by:

  • Tapping the notification

  • Clicking one of the buttons on the notification

The result of any of those interactions depends on the action you select on the Notification Message Template. There are three options:

  • Open App: opens the application.

  • Open Deep Link: opens the application. Then you can choose whether the deep link will be automatically opened or you want to manually handle it via the automaticallyOpenDeeplinks parameter.

  • Open URL: opens the application. Then opens the url. The actual activity that is launched depends on the url and the installed applications on the device. In most cases, urls with http/https scheme will be opened in the browser.

Handling all notification interactions

All notification interactions go through the UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate which you can set up as follows:

class AppDelegate: NSObject, UIApplicationDelegate {
    static var bird: Bird!
    static let logger = Logger(subsystem: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!, category: "AppDelegate")
    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool {
        do {
            Self.bird = try Bird()
        } catch {
  "failed to create bird \(error)")
        // Set UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate
        UNUserNotificationCenter.current().delegate = self
        return true
    // Other methods of UIApplicationDelegate

extension AppDelegate: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {

    func userNotificationCenter(
        _ center: UNUserNotificationCenter,
        didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse,
        withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void
    ) {
        // All notification interactions are captured here
        if let result = Self.bird.notifications.handleNotificationResponse(
            response: response,
            // Set automaticallyOpenDeeplinks to true if you want deep links
            // to be automatically opened
            automaticallyOpenDeeplinks: false
        ) {
            // The result contains the url and the custom payload
            Self.logger.log("type \(result.type.rawValue)")
            Self.logger.log("payload \(result.payload))")
            Self.logger.log("action.type \(result.action.type.rawValue)")
            Self.logger.log("action.url \(result.action.url?.absoluteString ?? "")")
            Self.logger.log("action.identifier \(result.action.identifier)")
    // Other methods of UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate

Notice that you can control whether deep links are automatically opened or not via the parameter automaticallyOpenDeeplinks.

There are two way to deal with Deep Links:

  • Set automaticallyOpenDeeplinks: false which allows you to capture the deep link and handle it as you please.

  • Set automaticallyOpenDeeplinks: true which will open the deep link. The behaviour of opening the deep link depends on the installed applications and which of them will be matched to this deep link.

Custom Payload

You can set a custom payload on the Notification Message Template to be delivered to your app. You can capture custom payload when your application received a notification response using the bird.notifications.handleNotificationResponse() method. See sample code above.

Last updated