Get contact list memberships
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Last updated
Let's establish some of our data that will be used in the following examples:
Workspace ID: a1405560-c8d3-4b1a-877d-3f449ad95352
AccessKey: abcd
List ID: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000
Contact ID: 12bd0e40-9361-4e32-8b26-99b4ab7eae09
In this example, we're listing all the lists a contact is assigned to given a contact ID.
This endpoint will return a list of lists a contact is a member of.
Your workspace identifier.
The ID of a contact.
A list of lists was returned. The list can be empty if no lists are found.
The token that can be passed as pageToken in URL to retrieve the next set of results. If missing, no more results to display.