Update a webhook subscription
Let's establish some of our data that will be used in the following examples:
Workspace ID: a1405560-c8d3-4b1a-877d-3f449ad95352
Organization ID: 823fbfaf-f14e-4693-b55a-8ec1c17d649e
Webhook subscription to be updated ID: 0edf722b-93b4-4451-8a5d-4fafba5cdf8b
AccessKey: abcd
Deactivating a webhook subscription
If you want to quickly stop receiving event notifications, you can update the webhook subscription status to inactive. The following request exemplify how to proceed.
Updating a webhook subscription URL
If you want to change the destination which the event notifications should go, you can update the URL. The following request exemplify how to proceed.
Last updated