Push notifications

Configuring push notifications for an applications allows you to send push notification Campaigns and to send push notification messages in Journeys

Configuring push notifications consists of:

  • Configure Firebase for Android devices

  • Configure APNS for iOS devices

  • Subscribe contacts to push notification campaigns

Firebase for Android

To send push notification to Android devices, you need to create a Firebase project and give Bird access to send push notifications on your behave. Here are the steps:

Step one

Set up a Firebase project and service account.

  • Go to Firebase Console, click on Add Project, and follow the project creation steps.

  • Once the project is created, a service account is automatically created.

  • Download the credentials file for the created service account.

You can find more details on Firebase docs.

Step two

  • Go to Bird dashboard.

  • Go to Preferences > Applications, and choose the application you want to set up.

  • Copy the contents of the service account credentials file and paste it in the text area called Firebase service account credentials.

That's it for configuring Bird to send push notifications on your behave to Android devices.

Next up: check how to integrate Android SDK into your applications.

APNS for iOS

To send push notification to iOS devices, you need to have an Apple Developer account and and give Bird access to send push notifications on your behave. Here are the steps:

Step one

Cert an APNS Key on your Apple Developer account

  • On Apple Developer portal, go to the page called Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles,

  • Inside it go to the Keys page.

    • Click on the + icon to create a new Key and enable Apple Push Notifications service (APNs) for the created key.

    • Download the key and save in a secure place.

    • Notice the Key ID which you can get by clicking on the created Key to view its details.

  • Then go to the "Identifiers" page

    • Click on the + icon to create a new identifier for your application also called App Bundle ID.

    • Setting up the configuration for this App Bundle ID can also be done from Xcode which is explained in further details in Swift SDK.

You can find more details on Apple Developer docs.

Step two

  • Got to Bird dashboard

  • Go to Preferences / Applications, and choose the application you want to set up.

  • Copy the contents of the Key file and paste it in the text area called "APNS Private Key"

  • Fill in the other fields:

    • APNS Key ID

    • APNS Team ID

    • APNS App Bundle ID

That's it for configuring Bird to send push notifications on your behave to iOS devices.

Next up: check how to integrate Swift SDK (coming soon) into your applications.

Last updated