10DLC Compliance

Creating Brands and Campaigns registrations with The Campaign Registry


If you have purchased a United States (US) 10 digit long code number and want to send SMS messages, you are also required to register your brand and register your use case (campaign) with a the campaign registry. This is an external regsitry who help to regulate A2P (application to person) messaging in the United States.

This section helps guide you to create and manage your brands and campaigns using the API.


Before you create a campaign you must create a brand and this must be approved. Brands can either be created and managed at the organisation level or workspace level.

Create and manage brands at organisation level

If you want to create and manage a brand that can be shared with one or more workspaces (for example your organisation is ACME), and you have a workspace for ACME marketing and ACME support that will use a 10DLC brand called ACME, you should use the organisation level endpoints for Brand creation and management

Create and manage brands at workspace level

If you want a Brand to only belong to a single workspace (for example your organisation has many workspaces representing different customers) you should use the workspace level endpoints to create a Brand that belongs to a single workspace only

Brand vetting

Once you have successfully created a Brand it is also possible to submit this for additional vetting


Once you have an approved Brand, you can then create a campaign. Campaigns are always scoped to a workspace. This means if your Brand is shared with multiple workspaces each workspace must have it's own approved campaign before you can install any SMS channels with US 10DLC number's.

Last updated