
The current Lookup API is an early release, subject to changes. It currently only supports Phone Number Lookup


The Contact Lookup service is intended to provide key information about a number, such as


Type Of ServiceLegend


The number belongs to a fixed or landline subscription. It likely supports voice but not SMS


The number belongs to the Mobile Network active number range. It likely support both voice and SMS and to be own by a physical individual


The Number belongs to Other providers, such as, but not limited to, Premium Services, Toll-Free Numbers, Virtual Numbers, M2M or IOT, etc. Although such number may support both Voice and SMS are more likely own by corporation then an individuals


Indicating if the queried number is valid as correctly formed and associated with a active phone number range. Invalid number answer will contain a reason fields providing more details on the reason

Bird's Lookup do not return numbers' live status. Lookup validation occurs on number format, allocation and type only. Valid number may be inactive (not associated to active contract lines) or absent (temporary out of any carrier coverage) and fail to receive calls or SMS.

Network Data

Providing details about the network the number belong . Information will be provided in two format

  • Via a Numeric country (MCC : Mobile Country Code) and network (MNC: Mobile Network Code) code . This is an immutable identified linked to the carrier telecom license and the best indicator of a network identity

  • Via a human readable name , this is subject to changes following carrier rebranding and or corporate actions Contact lookup

API Calls

Last updated