Message Templates
Last updated
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Last updated
Was this helpful?
Message Templates are referred to as channel templates through the API
curl -L \
--url '/workspaces/{workspaceId}/projects/{projectId}/channel-templates/{channelTemplateId}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer jwt'
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curl -L \
--request DELETE \
--url '/workspaces/{workspaceId}/projects/{projectId}/channel-templates/{channelTemplateId}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer jwt'
No body
curl -L \
--request PUT \
--url '/workspaces/{workspaceId}/projects/{projectId}/channel-templates/{channelTemplateId}/activate' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer jwt'
No body
curl -L \
--request PUT \
--url '/workspaces/{workspaceId}/projects/{projectId}/channel-templates/{channelTemplateId}/deactivate' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer jwt'
No body
Limits the project of results to return
Pagination token that keeps of track of the current position in the list
Order in which to retrieve the results
curl -L \
--url '/workspaces/{workspaceId}/projects/{projectId}/channel-templates' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer jwt'
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If true and template is already published, a new template will be created with the new parameters and activated.
, inactive
, pending
, draft
, pendingReview
curl -L \
--request PATCH \
--url '/workspaces/{workspaceId}/projects/{projectId}/channel-templates/{channelTemplateId}' \
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