Long Code Numbers


The current concept of Number represents the so-called Long Code Number. Long Code Number always relates to the Number purchased or ordered from the Inventory. This is any number, that has a country prefix at the beginning. The term Number is renamed to LongCodeNumber.

API Access

The following API requests can only be made using a valid access key, and attached to an access role, with an access policy that at least specifies the permissions to the resources outlined in each section below. Learn more about API access.

List Long Code Numbers

In order to retrieve a list of long code numbers available in your workspace you can use this request.

curl "https://api.bird.com/workspaces/{workpaceId}/numbers-long-code/"
-H 'Authorization: Bearer '

Get a Long Code Number

In order to retrieve the details of a long code number available in your workspace you can use this request.

curl "https://api.bird.com/workspaces/{workspaceId}/numbers-long-code/{longCodeId}" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your-access-key>'

Last updated