Use case requirements for SMS Registration

When registering your number to send SMS, it's essential to provide a clear and comprehensive description of how you use text messaging in your business. This helps ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and reduces the risk of registration rejection.

Below are key areas you need to cover.

Brand Information

When registering for SMS, it’s important to clearly specify which brand is sending the messages. This means you need to provide details like your company’s name, website, contact information, and address.

  • If you’re sending messages for your own company: Simply use your company’s brand details.

  • If you’re sending messages on behalf of a client: Make sure to use your client’s brand details. It’s important to be transparent about who is actually sending the messages.

  • Multiple clients? If you manage SMS for more than one client, you’ll need to register a separate brand for each one. Each client’s brand should have its own unique sender information.

Sending third-party traffic under your own brand will result in rejection or blocks.

Product and SMS Use

Clearly explain your product and how SMS supports its functionality. Include message content details, such as whether messages contain URLs.

  • For example: "We offer alert software and use SMS to notify on-duty engineers in case of problems, typically including a URL for real-time system status updates (e.g., 'Check system status:')"

Message Frequency and Volume

Be transparent about the expected frequency and volume of messages.

  • For example: “Due to the nature of our business, we experience high traffic during major failures, followed by long periods of low activity.”

Third-Party Relationships:

If applicable, describe any relationships with third parties and how SMS is used.

  • For example: “We register a dedicated number for each client and location to send alerts only to specific employees. This number is dedicated to ACME Ltd usage.”

Providing detailed and transparent information, including message content like URLs, helps ensure proper registration and compliance with SMS regulations.

Last updated

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