Use WhatsApp

You cannot send outbound messages to your customers without an approved message template.

Once you have installed WhatsApp and received WhatsApp business verification, you can send and receive messages via Bird.

WhatsApp messages can be sent:

Sending WhatsApp messages from Inbox

Replying to an inbound message

When a customer sends you a message on WhatsApp, that message will start a conversation in Inbox. Inbox agents can reply to this message at any time within WhatsApp's customer care window by sending a Reply to open conversation message template, or by typing a free-form response.

Starting a conversation

Inbox agents can start a conversation with a customer on WhatsApp by sending an Approved message template.

Sending WhatsApp messages with Flows

With WhatsApp installed, you can use Flow actions to send WhatsApp messages to your customers.

Sending WhatsApp messages as a Campaign

With WhatsApp installed, you can set up and send campaigns to your customers on WhatsApp by sending an Approved message template.

Last updated