Register a 10DLC campaign via Bird
Before you can register a 10DLC campaign, you'll need to register your brand.
Go to Channels > Numbers > 10DLC Compliance.
Click Create campaign.
In the 'Campaign overview' section, enter the following information in the respective fields:
Campaign name.
Use case name.
Use case description.
Please refer to our Use case Description article for examples and best practices
Click Save and continue.
In the 'Campaign and content attributes' section, select at least one type of campaign by clicking the toggle to turn it on. You can select multiple campaign types.
Click Save and continue.
In the 'Sample messages and opt out' section, enter the following information in the respective fields:
Sample messages: Provide at least one, and up to five, example messages to demonstrate the type of content that will be sent as part of this campaign.
Opt out keywords: Provide a comma-separated list of keywords that customers can use to opt out of this campaign. (remember to update your compliancy keyword to match )
Opt out message: Provide an example of the message that will be sent after a customer has opted out. (remember to update your compliancy keyword settings to match )
Help keywords: Provide a comma-separated list of keywords that customers can use to request help in relation to this campaign.
Help message: Provide an example help message, stating the name of the service, contact (email or call center), OPT IN and OPT OUT keywords. (remember to update your compliancy keyword settings to match )
Opt in keywords: Provide a comma-separated list of keywords that customers can use to opt in to the campaign.
Message flow: Explain how customers will be opted into this campaign. If you have a live web opt-in provide the URL and ensure the page has details on the T&Cs/data collection for opting in, and how to opt out.
Always include a link to your Privacy Policy as part of your message flow (see this article for examples and best practices)
80% of 10DLC registration rejections are caused by generic or unclear message flows, please check this article and ensure to follow its raccomdandation on how to best describe your conset gatering flow
Check the box that says 'I confirm this campaign will follow CTIA best practices and principles and will not be used for affiliate marketing'.
Click Submit campaign registry.
You've successfully submitted your campaign for registration.
Last updated