Snowflake is a cloud-based data warehousing platform that enables organizations to store, analyze, and share large volumes of data. It offers scalability, ease of use, and advanced analytics features. Built on cloud infrastructure, it supports various data types and integrates seamlessly with other cloud services, making data management more efficient.
What you can do with the Snowflake connector:
Install the Snowflake integration in Bird.
Navigate to Manage Integrations and search for the Snowflake connector.
Enter Name, Host, Role, Warehouse, Database, Schema, Table, Username, Password and click Install.
Once installed, navigate to the dataflows section under the Process Automation section of the product and create a new dataflow.
Give a name, select Source = Snowflake installed in #2 and Destination = Workspace contacts, click Create, and continue.
Next, under transformation, go to Attribute mapping, select Add mapping, and pick and choose the source attributes from Snowflake that must be ingested along with the mapping to destination attribute in Bird.
After completing the attribute mapping, proceed to the next step by clicking Continue to destination and map the identifiers like email address and phone number coming from Snowflake into Bird contact identifiers.
Once the identifiers are mapped, click on Save data flow, and then you can now change the schedule or view the configuration of the dataflow.
.You can modify the schedule by clicking on Change schedule, and it can be configured to run every few hours or minutes by entering the value in the following format. For example, for every 12hrs, you have to input @every 12h and for every 30mins, please input @every 30m.
Now, you can go ahead and enable the dataflow to start ingesting the contact data from Snowflake into Bird as contacts.
I don’t see the Manage Integrations option. What am I missing?
Please verify your Access role under 'Organization Settings'. If it's not present there, contact your admin for assistance.
As a Snowflake admin with multiple Tables, can I connect each one to Bird?
Absolutely! Install the Bird connector for each table as required. After installation, view all the tables under 'Your Connectors'. Remember, each installation is unique to one table, so you must install it for each table individually.
What should I do if my Data sync displays a "Failed" status?
Please contact our support team for assistance.
Is it possible to restore a deleted connector?
No, once you delete a connector, it's irreversible. However, you can always create a new connector to replace the one you deleted.
What should I do if I notice errors in the Health status of my connector?
It is crucial to address any errors promptly. If you can't resolve the connector errors, our dedicated support team is here to help.
What happens with my audiences if my connector becomes defunct or is deleted?
Your audience will still function but won't receive new updates.
Last updated