👥5. View conversation participants
For a conversation to take place, people need to be talking! In Inbox, these people are called Conversation participants.
Both agents and customers can be conversation participants.
Email conversations can have multiple participants.
See every participant in a conversation
To see all of the participants in an existing conversation, follow these steps:
Go to Inbox and open the conversation.
At the top of the conversation, click to open the conversation participant panel and see all conversation participants.
See details about a specific conversation participant
Contact profiles and agent profiles are both available to view directly in Inbox, so agents won’t need to leave Inbox to find out more information about the people in the conversation.
Not sure who is another agent and who is a contact? Hover over the avatar of any conversation participant to find out!
To view more details about a contact or agent, click their name or avatar directly in the conversation. This will open the contact profile directly in Inbox.
Last updated