Can I send bulk messages on WhatsApp?

Yes, you can use Approved message template to send WhatsApp messages in bulk to a predefined audience via Campaigns.

Do customers need to opt-in to receive WhatsApp messages from my business?

Yes, if you want to initiate a conversation with your customers by sending them an Approved message template. Before you can contact them, your customers need to have shared their mobile phone number with your business and opted in to receive messages. However, customers are free to initiate conversations with you without having opted in previously.

How do I send a WhatsApp message to a customer?

If you’re sending a message to a customer to initiate a conversation, you’ll need to use a message template. You’ll also need to do this if you’re replying to a customer after the 24-hour care window has closed.

What is the WhatsApp customer service window?

The customer service window is a period of time during which a business can send any type of message to a recipient (user). This window lasts for 24 hours and it can be initiated by either the business or by the customer.

How does the customer service window work?

The window starts when a customer sends a message and the business replies. This is known as user-initiated conversation and no prior opt-in is required. When a business sends a template message to a recipient (user), then the customer service window starts. This is known as a business-initiated conversation and prior opt-in is required.

Last updated

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