Content Whitelisting
All content should INCLUDE BRAND SIGNATURE and full content be whitelisted by local operators.
Brand Signatures and content should either be pure Chinese or at least a combination of English and Chinese. Pure English Signatures will no longer be accepted.
To avoid delivery issue, we suggest to add Chinese words which are related to the business such as
"客服"(meaning customer service) “运营”(meaning operation) “客户支持”(meaning customer support) “人力”(meaning human resource) into signature.
For OTP content, use 【xxx运营】. For notification content, use 【xxx客服】or 【xxx客户支持】
If you wish to send to China, please contact our support team with message samples of the content you wish to send.
SMS Type
Binary and Flash SMS are not allowed in China.
Character Support
Arabic characters cannot be supported by Chinese networks. Because Chinese characters are not supported by the regular character set, messages with Chinese characters can contain a maximum amount of 65 (single message) and 62 (multiple messages/concatenated) characters
Maximum Messages
Two messages with the same content cannot be sent to the same number in one day. A maximum of 100 messages with different content can be sent to the same number in one day.
All networks in China filter on adult content, gambling, education, migration, financial services & loans, beauty case, cosmetic surgery, healthcare, red timber and alcohol-related content. Some networks will filter words like Falung Gong, SB, Tiananmen Square. All networks will block messages with a URL.
Last updated