Install SMS as an Inbox channel

In this guide, you'll learn how to set up SMS as an Inbox Channel.

Step 1: Select SMS from your channels

Go to, tap Settings on the side navigation and select Channels from the sub-navigation. Click SMS and hit + Channel. This will take you to the following modal in a new tab.

Step 2: Give your channel a name

Name your channel, make sure it's easily recognizable for yourself and your team. Don't worry, this will only be used internally. For our example, the channel name is Test SMS channel.

Step 3: Select a number

Select a number from the drop-down menu or tap Buy a number and follow the instructions. When you’re finished click Install now.

Step 4: Visit your Inbox channels

And that’s it! 🎉SMS is now installed as a channel and set up with Inbox. Head back to your Inbox Channels—you’ll see your new SMS channel has been automatically added.

TIP: Once this has been completed, please test your channels to ensure they create conversations/tickets in Inbox. If they aren't, please refer to the article How to connect and disconnect a channel from Inbox.

Last updated