Inbox reports in action

Inbox reports enable you to analyze the important metrics and understand the efficiency of your team. There are several metrics you can use to understand how your team is performing and serving the customers.

In this article we will dive deeper into the following metrics:

  1. Average first response time.

  2. Average resolution time.

The examples below illustrate some common scenarios your team may encounter and show how these metrics are measured in each case.

Example 1

Anna is a customer support representative at Acme Corp.

Events timeline

First response time

First response time = (Time agent first replied - Time ticket created)

First response time = ( 0911 - 0900) = 11 minutes

Resolution time

Resolution time = (Time ticket resolved - Time ticket created)

Resolution time = 0930 - 0900 = 30 minutes

Example 2

Anna and Bob are customer support representatives at Acme Corp.

Events timeline

First response time

First response time = (Time agent first replied - Time ticket created)

First response time = ( 0911 - 0900) = 11 minutes

Resolution time

The ticket was first resolved at 0930 but reopened at 0945, hence the previous resolution time on the ticket is invalidated and resolution time is calculated again after the ticket is resolved.

Resolution time = (Time ticket resolved - Time ticket created)

Resolution time = 1015 - 0900 = 75 minutes

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