Connectivity Platform
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Where can I find my Voice logs?
API Issues
Last updated
1 year ago
API Issues
Cannot find templates submitted via Facebook Business Manager
Developer logs and errors
Error code when sending a WhatsApp Template Message via API
Failed Payments
How to delete orders and invoices
I am having login or authentication issues with the Old API
I am missing my delivery reports
I am not receiving notifications for Inbox tickets
I am receiving an error 500 in my dashboard
I can't initiate a conversation with a customer
I cannot add my VAT number
I cannot see the WhatsApp message in Inbox
I did not receive an SMS when trying to claim free test credits
I did not receive my account activation email
I don't see the Verify codes in my dashboard
I have launched my GBM but I do not see a ‘Message’ button
I have limited messaging options in my dashboard
I see an unknown item on my bank statement from MessageBird
Missing HLR results
My OTP codes sent via Email are getting in the spam folder
My WhatsApp Business API application is not approved
My WhatsApp Message Template is not sending
My automatic subscription charge was unsuccessful
My end users are not receiving their codes
My template application has been rejected
One of my agents has left the company
SMS errors & error codes
The Email channel is not working for my Verify requests
The owner of my Workspace is no longer with the company
Tickets not showing up in Inbox
What is the "quality rating" of a WhatsApp channel?
WhatsApp Account policy violations and enforcement
WhatsApp: Messaging Limits and Tier system
WhatsApp: Returning to the mobile app
Where can I find my MessageBird Workspace ID?
Whitelist MessageBird's IP addresses