What is the difference between a Voice Message and Voice Call?
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We provide Voice Call services to reach customers all over the world. Using our Voice API you will be able to create custom voice applications, create IVR menus, protect user’s privacy with masked numbers, and also play prerecorded messages.
Voice Messages convert text into a call, that is, an automated voice will read out your message. No technical knowledge is required to send a voice message. You can send voice messages from your Dashboard; our system will automatically convert the plain text into an automated call.
Voice messages only work for plain text and are billed per message rather than per second, which is the case for Voice Calls.
Below there's a layout of the features for Voice Messages and Voice Calls:
Voice Message
Voice Call
Text to Speech
Play voice recording
Caller ID
Masked numbers
Overview within the Dashboard
Accessible via the Dashboard
Interactive Voice Response
Record and archive
Answering Machine Detection
Billed per message
Billed per second